Saturday, December 10, 2011

Writing Project 5

One of the best decisions I've made was to be in AP courses this year. AP courses are courses that are meant to be more rigorous to help you challenge yourself. Not most students enjoy taking them because they dread the amount of homework, the endless questions that will over flow on tests and the terrifying hours that will be needed to study for them. Taking AP courses is the best decision I've made because, I am challenging myself to be better than what I know I can be, I am one step ahead of the game and I will have lots of advantages.

First off, being in an AP course is challenging. It's nothing easy like reading and following along. It requires determination and the ability to keep up with everything that's going on in class. Being in a class that is as advanced as AP is a difficult task, but I love the challenge it gives me. I never really cared  about how important it was to study, but now that I am taking AP courses I realize that I would be in lots of trouble if I didn't. Taking AP courses has made me a stronger individual and a stronger student and as much as I hate taking endless amounts of notes and staying up for hours finishing homework, I know that only good can come from it.

Secondly, taking AP courses puts me one step ahead of the game. Colleges are going to immediately see that I was challenging myself and pushing myself to get better. Being in AP courses also prepares me for college. Taking an AP course gives me a feel of what college is going to be like. I can prepare myself now that I’m in high school and when I get to college, the classes I choose to take there will be easier for me. Taking AP courses will basically give me the opportunity to not only prepare myself for college but for life too, because it will help me become more independent in making decisions, it will help me know that challenging yourself once in a while isn’t that bad, and that sometimes in life you have to take bigger steps to get to where you want to be even though it could take some work.

Finally, taking AP courses will give me a lot of advantages. It gives me a better chance to get into college and in to receive admission into those particular schools. Also in taking AP courses you usually have to take an AP test which can easily, if I do well on it, give me the opportunity to get some sort of scholarship. Even though it’s a three-hour test it will be a good experience for me. I will have the advantage to gain better study skills and writing skills, because a lot of the times AP courses require you to do that. I’ll be ready to take any type of class if I’m willing to take an AP course and push myself.

Taking AP courses will definitely put me ahead of the game. Colleges are going to love seeing that I challenged myself and also that I didn’t give up, like some students end up doing. It’s going to help me better my future and my dream of going to college.

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